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Sign in

Just like with docker login, the policy CLI requires you to sign in to an OCIv2-compliant registry.

echo $PAT | policy login -s <server> -u <username> --password-stdin


-s <server>: container registry address

-u <username>: username / account

-p <password>: password or a PAT

--password-stdin: read the password from stdin

AWS Elastic Container Registry

AWS ECR credentials to authenticate can be obtained using the AWS CLI command aws ecr get-login-password.

aws ecr get-login-password |policy login -s <org>.dkr.ecr.<region> -u AWS --password-stdin

Create a new policy repository:

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name <my-policy-name>

This will return a URI to push policy images to.

GitHub Container Registry

To sign in to the registry, use your GitHub account, and a GitHub personal access token (PAT) as your password which contains the appropriate scopes - for example, repo (required), read:org (for organizations), write:packages, and delete:packages.

echo $PAT | policy login -s -u <username> --password-stdin

You can create a GitHub PAT on this page.

Docker Hub

You can use your password or a PAT to login to Docker Hub:

echo $PAT | policy login -s -u <username> --password-stdin

Google Container Registry

Follow the steps to authenticate to GCP here.

For example, create a JSON key file for a service account using the following command:

gcloud iam service-accounts keys create keyfile.json --iam-account [NAME]@[PROJECT_ID]

Then login using policy the same way you would login to docker:

cat KEY-FILE | policy login -s -u _json_key --password-stdin 

Docker credential helpers


Version 0.2.0 of the policy CLI adds support for docker credential helpers to securely store credentials. Credential helpers are configured in ~/.policy/config.json.

Login credentials that were saved with previous versions of the policy CLI will need to be updated.

On Windows

To use the credential manager on Windows:

  1. Install the wincred binary into a directory in your $PATH.
  2. Edit ~/.policy/config.json to set wincred as the credential store:
"auths": {},
"credStore": "wincred"
  1. Log in with the policy CLI.

Your credentials are now securely stored with Windows Credential Manager.

On MacOS

  1. Install osxkeychain for amd64 or arm64 into a directory in your $PATH.
  2. Edit ~/.policy/config.json to set osxkeychain as the credential store:
"auths": {},
"credStore": "osxkeychain"
  1. Log in with the policy CLI.

Your credentials are now securely stored in your MacOS KeyChain.