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OPA natively consumes OCI images

· 2 min read
Daniel Carabas

The Open Policy agent can be configured to consume policy bundles from remote HTTP servers, including support for AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, and Azure Blog Storage.

As of version v0.40.0, OPA can now consume policy bundles packaged as OCI images. This allows building and tagging OPA policies just like docker containers, including using tools like cosign to sign those images and verify the signatures.

OCI images can be built using the policy CLI, part of the Open Policy Containers project.

Read on for more details!

Step 1: Using policy CLI to build and publish a policy image

The policy CLI tool can be easily used to build and push a policy to a remote OCI registry using just two simple commands:

  • policy build <path_to_src> -t <org>/<repo>:<tag>
  • policy push <registry>/<org>/<repo>:<tag>

A full tutorial is available here.

Step 2: Prepare your OPA configuration

The services configuration documentation for OPA now includes a parameter defined as type to allow users to configure OCI compatible service registries.

Example of using a public policy image configuration with the bundle plugin from Open Policy Registry:

type: oci

service: open-policy-registry
persist: true
min_delay_seconds: 3
max_delay_seconds: 5

persistence_directory: /tmp/opa

Step 3: Start an OPA instance

Example of running an OPA instance from the command line using the opa CLI: opa run -c config.yaml Once the interactive terminal starts you will receive a log message that your configured plugin will download the OCI image from the configured registry and it will allow you to check the policy.